Recycling lines

Designing and manufacturing of recycling lines is another sector of DTB System activity. Technologies we apply, allow for utilization and increase  recover efficiency of secondary materials in production process. The experience we have makes up manufacture optimally designed products. Our efforts are forwarded to analysis of each single instance and product, adjusting into Customer needs and finding the best solution.

We design and manufacture:

- complete recycling lines
- conveying systems
- granulating machines
- dosing machines and buffers for powders  
- conveyors
- systems for industrial ventilation
- systems for air cleaning

If you are interested in any additional information on D&TB System company, please contact us.


DTB System



Sample image
tel. +48 71 38 32 214
fax: +48 71 38 30 845



DTB SYSTEM Sp. z o.o.

56-300 Milicz, Sławoszowice ul. 3 Maja 8A
tel.: +48 (0) 71 383 22 14, fax: +48 (0) 71 383 08 45              

NIP: 916-139-35-87

Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia - Fabrycznej we Wrocławiu IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego Nr KRS-0000482084

Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 5 000 PLN